

Friday, January 22, 2021

Overcoming judgement!

As I’m trying to be as conscious as I can in my attempt to observe and explain people’s behavior, keeping in mind that the judgement is never coming from a spiritual and conscious place, it’s inventible to conclude that we have 2 parts of ourselves: The Higher-self coming from source energy and the Earthly-self coming from ego. To remain spiritual and sane at the same time during our stay in this space-time reality, especially sharing space with others, it’s very crucial to understand the difference between those two ‘selves’. The higher-self part of us is the extension of the one and the same source energy that we’re all coming from, which make us all one and the same, in other words ‘equal’. The Earthly-self on the other hand, which has a body, personality and a lot of opinions, based on different backgrounds and experiences, make us all different or in other words ‘unique’.

Having this said, you can conclude that people who are (trying to be) spiritual are not eager to judge, because they mostly observe things from Higher-self, understanding that we’re all the same and that everything external is a reflection of self. Judging others would equal judging yourself or the things that exist in you that you recognize in others. That’s why it’s always being said that people who judge others do so because they have very little to no self-esteem and are highly insecure. Having this need to put others down is a direct reflection of what they hold within themselves. I must add that ‘putting others down’ is not the same as having certain preference or taste, where you find something or someone more or less attractive, intelligent, valuable etc. Judging is always being done by Earthly-self, because it has ego which needs to survive. Earthly-self cannot survive without ego, but the Higher-self, if trained, can control it by understanding its purpose and value.

Understanding fellow ‘Earthlings’ without judgement is very easily being done by Higher-self, but because we live in this physical space-time reality, where we have ‘Earthly’ rules, norms and values, we are kind of expected and even responsible to ‘judge’ what we think it’s a bad behavior, because otherwise we would ‘justify’ or ‘approve’ it. In this case it’s very important to realize that we can be conscious enough to understand someone’s bad behavior without justifying it. We can’t give a free-pass to people who do or say bad things, but we can ‘judge’ a behavior without judging a persona.

So when you have the need (and ‘have the need’ is a key statement) to ‘judge’ someone’s look, intelligence, opinion, occupation, personal-preferences etc., that’s coming from ego and lack of emotional intelligence. However, if you ‘judge’ someone’s bad behavior, comments and judgements where you put yourself in a protective position of the ‘judged’, that’s, in my opinion, a whole other story. Although, this is also not objective, as we all have a different definition of what’s ‘good’ or ‘bad’, so you can surely expect a judgmental comeback. As you find yourself passing a judgement, ask yourself: “What was my drive or intention to make such judgement?” If it’s not a protection of morally based values, it’s most likely your own insecurity and fear. This is exactly why you shouldn’t worry if you’re the one being judged by someone else, because it’s often their own struggle with themselves.

Always remember that truly successful, beautiful, intelligent and fulfilled people have absolutely no need to judge anyone. Those people will always do one of the two things: They will either help you rise OR they won’t care about you at all. This doesn’t mean that there are people who never judge, because as I said earlier, ego has to survive and we ALL judge, but if you stay conscious about it and keep monitoring your feelings towards others, along with the ability and will to understand where those feelings are coming from, you’ll create space to keep working on yourself and to grow.

There will always be people who need to put others down in order to have some sense of self-value, self-worth or gain a feeling of superiority. You can especially see that kind of arrogance in people who perceive themselves as highly intelligent, therefore in their eyes entitled to a certain high position in society, but that’s just another mask of their own insecurities, probably from unresolved childhood trauma’s. So to finish this with a little hypocrite and humor based statement: you can be a doctor, a writer, a scientist, a professor, a supermodel, a Nobel prize winner… hell, you can be the president of the United States and still be an idiot! 🤷🏻‍♀️

This was written by my Earthy judgemental self 😉

Love always,

Art <3


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Hét virus van de aarde: de mens!

Ik schrijf mijn blog altijd in het Engels, maar deze blog wordt een Nederlandstalig special edition! 

In deze corona tijd zijn we allemaal een beetje van het padje af. Dat er twee ‘kampen’ zijn ontstaan die constant in een clinch liggen is al lang duidelijk, maar wat ik vooral merk is dat mensen zo extreem ver gaan in hun overtuigingen, dat ze zichzelf en iedereen om zich heen compleet gek maken. Of ze nou bang zijn voor het virus zelf of voor de grote enge mensen achter de schermen die ons van onze vrijheid willen beroven, het feit is dat angst en stress compleet overheersen en mensen drijven tot waanzin. Zo erg zelfs, dat ze de realiteit totaal uit het oog verliezen. Als je vraagt naar de essentie van de extremisme, kijk niet verder, want het is overal om je heen. Aan welke 'kant' je ook staat, het neemt niet weg dat je leeft in een overlevingsmodus, wat je waarschijnlijk eerder je leven gaat kosten dan welk virus dan ook.

Er zijn eindeloze discussies die voornamelijk niets anders opleveren dan frustratie en ego trips om eigen "gelijk" te bewijzen en anderen te overtuigen van eigen overtuigingen. Het is eigenlijk te rampzalig voor woorden hoe mensen met elkaar omgaan en geen plaats maken voor betekenisvolle argumenten en mogelijke oplossingen. Die geen kans geven aan meerdere bronnen van nuttige informatie en alleen maar accepteren datgene wat hun eigen mening bevestigt. Zodra er iets is wat niet helemaal aansluit bij hun eigen visie, wordt het klakkeloos afgewezen en belachelijk gemaakt. Dat geeft ze waarschijnlijk een vals gevoel van eigenwaarde en superioriteit. 

Je moet je eigen stem maar zien te vinden in een zee van meningen en theorieën, van dubieuze journalisten en online "influencers" tot alleswetende “filantropen” zoals Bill Gates, dat geen artsen noch wetenschappers zijn. Dat ze rijk zijn en veel hebben bereikt betekent niet dat ze ook te vertrouwen zijn en het beste met de mensheid voor hebben. Mensen met zoveel macht en geld kunnen je werkelijk alles laten geloven en je laten twijfelen aan je eigen ogen en oren. Vergeet nooit dat het geld de grootste en belangrijkste rol speelt in alles en dat het altijd een prioriteit blijft, zelfs boven mensenlevens.

Dat bewijst duidelijk ook ons oranje vriendje Donald Trump en zijn aanhangers die echt geloven dat hij een uitverkorene held is die undercover werkt om de mensheid te redden. Daarbij heb je ook nog QAnon beweging...nou ja, eerder een science fiction based cult, die enger en gevaarlijker is dan alle virussen en Trumps bij elkaar. Ja, het is zeer moeilijk om door al het geld, profijt en fake news van alle kanten heen te kijken, maar ondertussen overheersen momenteel de depressie, angst en onzekerheid vele levens. 

MAAR, niet alles hoeft zo zwart te zijn. De natuur is even 'op adem gekomen' doordat de grootste virus op aarde, de mens, zich even teruggetrokken heeft. Als je het over een “reset” hebt is dit een hele positieve. En we hoeven niet naar “oud normaal”, want veel dingen waren niet goed en nu hebben we een kans om het anders te doen. Beter te doen. We hebben meer tijd voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling, belangrijke lessen en zelfreflectie. Wat hebben we om dankbaar voor te zijn en wat willen we nog veranderen en bereiken? We hebben tijd om ons voor te bereiden voor een betere toekomst op het moment dat de huidige situatie verleden tijd is. Gebruik deze tijd om aan jezelf te werken en laat andere mensen in hun eigen waarde. 

We weten misschien niet hoe lang dit allemaal gaat duren, maar we weten wel dat het leven hoe dan ook doorgaat. Het is aan ons om dit leven dan zo goed mogelijk te navigeren en in te vullen, ondanks de omstandigheden. Neem je verantwoordelijkheid om voor jezelf te zorgen en zo gezond mogelijk te leven. Laat je leven niet alleen maar om corona draaien, want zo ga je zelf doordraaien. 

Laat je niets wijsmaken en kies geen 'kanten'. Veroordeel niets en niemand, want het leven heeft een gewoonte om je uiteindelijk compleet voor lul te zetten. Kies voor de gulden middenweg en neem alles met een korreltje zout, want het enige waar je 100% zeker van kunt zijn in dit geval is dat er niets is waar je 100% zeker van kunt zijn. 



Monday, January 27, 2020

Death lessons!

What a week this has been… Damn! I just need a moment to spit it all out on paper.
So, about a month ago, I met a man who was also fighting a brain tumor. He came by with his wife to pick up something I arranged for him. Such beautiful and kind people. 4 days ago his wife sent me a sad message that he didn’t make it… Although I saw him just once in my life, it made such a big impact on me. It all happened so fast, you don’t even have time to grasp the fine line between life and death. Maybe you don’t even want to. He left a beautiful wife and two little kids behind… My heart goes out to them.  

Then yesterday, the whole world lost a legend, Kobe Bryant. Such an inspiration as a sportsman, dedicated father and kind soul. He took his little girl with him, but left other three and his wife behind. So you see, the death is always lurking and maybe just a few breaths ahead of you. You can have an illness or be the most healthy, young, rich and famous… Death doesn’t care. It can take you any second.

So why are we always waiting for something or someone to be happy? How are we spending our time? Postponing our plans and dreams. Saving stuff for special occasions. Settling for less than we want or deserve. Stressing about stupid things. Judging. Blaming. Wasting time. Competing. OMG, the competing... Who’s making more money? Who’s taking better selfies? What bitches wear longer fake lashes and what assholes are better at being assholes? 

How ‘bout we compete with our past selves? Have you learned something new? Gained some new perspective? Have you helped someone? Have you done something for other people, animals, environment, kids? The sick and the poor? Have you pulled your stupid head out of your ass and looked around for one second? Have you inspired or motivated anyone? Have you stopped being so self-absorbed and done anything that people would actually applaud and appreciate when the death comes for you?

It’s not about how many people would mourn you, because, let’s be honest, life goes on and so does the mourning. But will they remember your deeds, your words, your kindness, your example? Will they ever think of you in their own life struggles and gain hope and strength because of something you've said or done that kept lingering in their mind?

So, while you’re still here, tell people you love them. Support strangers who are trying. Offer your hand, your smile. Give a random compliment just to make someone’s day better. Like the damn selfie of an insecure girl who only has two likes, which of course says absolutely nothing about her, but she thinks it does. Pet a dog. Help an elderly. Listen...truly listen, you might learn something new. Be kind and remember: It's the good people who do nothing that make the bad guys win! 


Art <3

Monday, September 9, 2019

Breaking through limitations!

When you get diagnosed with any serious 'illness', the docs tend to scare the shit out of you and they're not about to give you any room to doubt them. According to them, I am now labeled as a 'cancer patient' for the rest of my life. It's a real challenge to stand up to that and not be led by fear. BUT, I wouldn't be me if I would silently take what's served in front of me, if I don't like it!

So, according to me, I am healthier than I've ever been and have more drive for life than ever before. I also feel very blessed to have this opportunity to prove them wrong and fight for the TRUTH which will help people to find the power within and heal.

First of all, get to know yourself first! Your beliefs, your fears, your trauma's. Get naked and strip down all of it. You'll realize that the half of that shit isn't even yours to start with. It's your parents, your friends, your teachers, your neighbours, the media, the society... Recognize all the weight they put on you that you don't have to carry.

Change your beliefs, dance with your fears and learn from your trauma's. Set your soul free from your body and then, the healing can start. You'll know who you are, where you're from and where you want to go. Different paths, oportunities and people will show up and you'll know which ones to follow and which ones to avoid. You'll know by the feeling of it. Trust that. Love will lead you to health, happiness and prosperity. It will lead you to everything you've ever wanted and you'll be blown away, wondering in awe.

So, I'm embracing this time with confidence and gratitude. I got to know myself on a deeper level and found out I'm more of a badass than I ever thought I could be. I'm living mindfully and creating space of freedom and passion for life. Looking at the world with a new perception and appreciating every second filled with love and connection.
There's not a doctor in this world who will tell me anything about ME or predict my future. Only I can tell you about me and my future, because only I can create it. My decisions will not be made out of fear. They'll be made out of love. Love for life and love for love, 'cause one thing is for sure: I am not done with loving and I'm certainly not done with living.

Have a lovely monday!

Love, Art <3

Friday, July 12, 2019

My path to recovery!

The reason I'm writing this post is pure, authentic and from the heart. I wasn't sure if I should share this publicly (yet), but because I'm seeing the bigger picture and understand the contrasts and their meaning, I know I'm supposed to write this. If it helps even just one person, in the smallest way possible, it will be more than worth it. Everything is exactly as it should be...

About 2 months ago I was diagnosed with a brain tumour. At first, my whole world collapsed and the only thing I could think of is my fear, the grief of my family and friends and death. I couldn't sleep or even grasp the heaviness of my new reality.
But then suddenly, I came to my senses... I mean, I just wrote this book called "The secret of a happy life", explaining to people how to overcome anything. How to change their lives, by changing their thinking and their beliefs. Talking about vibrations, law of attraction, responsibility for our own realities, reprogramming our brain... Something I so deeply believed in, now I'm doubting. It's easy to talk about being positive and jolly when everything's fine, but how do you do that when your whole world shatters? Well, you can! If you choose to see the situation from a different perspective. If you give it another meaning!

So I did... This is a test! This is my chance to prove everything I believe in is true.  Not only to other people, but to myself as well. This is a chance to help more people. This is a chance to learn, grow and overcome.

My fear turned into gratitude. My doubt turned into determination. My "illness" turned into clarity and true meaning, which is: you are stronger than you think. It's just a sign. It's just a push into the right direction.

I'm having a surgery in exactly 2 weeks, but they told me they won't be able to remove all of it. I told them I can. And I will. Because I always do what I say. I'm not focused on my "illness", because I'm not ill. I have a condition which I created myself by making poor decisions. Now I'm focused on my health by making new and better decisions. You can not heal in the same environment you got sick in.

If you feel stuck in any way, if you have health issues, weight issues, ANY issues that you want to change. If you need inspiration and motivation to move forward and overcome anything that doesn't serve you, follow me on my path to full recovery and let's grow and heal together!

Much love!

Art <3

Friday, September 28, 2018

How I manifested my new home

I just moved into my new home, which I 100% believe I manifested myself and I couldn’t be happier. The way this all played out is pretty amazing, so I had to share my story… I hope it will inspire and motivate you to do the work and also start manifesting amazing things in your life!

I wanted to move for some time and I knew exactly what I wanted. An awesome new house, with a back yard in a beautiful, safe and peaceful neighborhood. Comfortable, but affordable. You hear often: you can’t have it ALL, but I wouldn’t settle for less. When you believe that you are the creator of your own reality, you can manifest anything. I still struggle with unconscious beliefs that keep me from manifesting, but this one went easy and I know why. I didn’t HAVE to move. I was already happy where I was. There was no NEED, there was no desperation.

On January 1st 2018, I wrote 5 things that I wanted to accomplish in 2018. One of the 5 was ‘to move’. I even joked that we would celebrate the next New Year in my new house. I acted as if I knew for sure that this would happen. I was already looking for new interior ideas and thinking about how I would decorate.

In April, I started scripting. I wanted to pick one topic, which wasn’t loaded with strong desire and desperation and that was a new home. I wanted to test this method of manifesting and the whole ‘Law of attraction’ in general. The more you manifest, the more you believe, the more you believe, the more you manifest. This is a cycle you want to get into. So start with something not that important to you.

So what is scripting? It’s writing a story of your desires, dreams and wishes that you want to manifest in the NOW, as if they’re already accomplished. You write how happy and grateful you are for those things as if you already have them. That’s the idea of the whole scripting method. It’s about getting into the high vibration state and then, of course, letting it go. Do NOT attach the outcome to your vibration. Just let the Universe do its job and believe that it will if you butt out. If you want to know about other manifesting methods, read my past blog about it.

The odds to get a house I wanted were pretty small, but only 4 months later, I found the perfect home. The only ‘problem was’, there were 7 other candidates that wanted it. I kept my belief, but was totally fine with the idea of NOT getting it. They all pulled back for different reasons and the house was mine. That’s how the Universe works. It will rearrange situations, people and timeline to serve you. If you only believe and expect that it will. It’s fun to play this game of life and I hope you’ll get on board!


Art <3

Thursday, August 9, 2018

My manifestation methods

Everyone who's living the 'law of attraction' knows there are a lot of ways and methods you can use to manifest your desires. You have to use the ones that you feel most comfortable with. You probably have to try a bunch of them to figure out which ones work the best for you. This is different for everyone, so what works for someone else, might not work for you and vice versa.
I have to point out that it's not the method that isn't working, but it's always your vibes and beliefs about it that block you from manifesting.

For me, affirmations and 'acting as if' are the best ones. Affirmations because you're reprogramming your beliefs, which are the most important in the whole process. What is a belief? Just something you've heard and repeated enough times for your mind to accept as the truth. When you're aware of this you can consciously choose your affirmations to change your beliefs and let them work in your favor, because what you really believe deep down is what will manifest in your reality.

'Acting as if' is also the perfect way to get aligned with the frequency of your desire and that way 'attract' the desired reality. I use the quotation marks when I write 'attract' , because we all know by now that you're not attracting anything to you (because the reality you want already exists), but you're aligning with that reality. The most important thing in all of this is of course the way you feel. You don't really 'act as if', but you have to 'feel as if'. How would you feel if you would live the reality that you want? Hold onto that feeling as long as you can, without wondering when and how it's going to happen, because when you really believe in something and you don't doubt it, that means you expect it to happen and don't have to wonder when and how. You know it's coming and just feel that anticipation.

There's another method that I recently discovered. Actually, I knew the method, but didn't know it has an official name: scripting! Also, a great way to raise your vibration and manifest the things you want. It's 'acting as if' on paper. You write everything you want in present tense, as if it's already happening now, but always linking your emotion to it. When you write about what you 'have' (desire), you write how you feel about it. For example, if you desire a specific job, you'd write: "I feel happy, proud and accomplished when I go to my dream job. It doesn't feel like a job, because I love doing it. This job that I've dreamed about for so long makes me feel confident and independent..." etc. You're literally scripting your life and creating your future.

And last on my list, but definitely not least: gratitude! You have to be grateful for everything that you already have. Grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. Always, always keep your focus on the things you have and are grateful for. When you're grateful, you can't feel negative emotions. Gratitude always gives you an opportunity to escape negative thoughts. Whenever you feel down for whatever reason, bring your focus back on gratitude.

So there you have it: MY list of manifestation methods that work for ME. There are many more and you can look them up on the internet. Be curious, try them out and have fun. When you find the ones that work for you, practice to make them a habit in your daily life. Your life will change completely.

Much love,

Art <3