Someone once told me: “The bad news is that time flies. The good news is
that you’re the pilot.” In the midst of maintaining my sanity, although I heard
that, I wasn’t ready to truly live it. I flew to the wrong direction, navigated
by fear. Universe has a funny way of creating situations and sending signs on our
way to deliver us important messages. Sadly, we’re not always ready to receive
it or we simply miss it by thinking that everything is a coincidence. It’s not
and you need to pay attention.
We now know that there’s no such thing as ‘negative’ emotions, just
emotions of low vibration. We call them contrasts. When you reach a deeper
understanding of this, you’ll realize that contrast is a part of creation. It’s
just information. It’s an alarm going off for you to pay attention. It’s an
arrow pointing to the opposite direction, because if you feel bad, you’re going
the wrong way. It’s a sign that you are not in an alignment with who you truly are.
Unfortunately, the ego will always try to convince you otherwise. Anytime you
find an excuse or an explanation of why you feel bad, it’s your ego speaking.
When you learn to silence your ego and just follow the directions your emotions
are showing you, the right path will unfold and it will lead you where you want
to be.
The universe is sending us signs all the time. Everything you see, hear,
touch, sense, taste and feel is telling you something. It’s always information
you need, to get where you want to be. Whenever something “bad” happens, you
can have an opinion about it, judge it, reject it, be upset or sad about it,
but what you really need to ask yourself instead is: what is this here to teach
me? What sign, what message, what information is this providing for me to get
ahead? When you train your mind to think like this, all “bad” things will
disappear. You’ll change your perspective on it and realize there is no such
thing as a “bad thing”, just information you ALWAYS benefit from.
People will do anything to avoid bad stuff from happening. We’ve been
trained and warned from birth that bad things happen and we should be afraid.
All the things that could possibly go wrong, it’s all we think about and trying
to avoid. Not realizing 2 things: we think about “bad” things, therefore we
attract them and “bad” things are not really bad. We’re more afraid of the fear
itself, than the very thing we think we’re afraid of. We’re not afraid of ‘the
thing’, we’re afraid of what comes next: judgment, disappointment, rejection,
You really have a simple job in this life: relax, feel good and follow
the signs given to you. Fear is an illusion. Just like reality. Reality is in
the eye of the beholder. Choose yours!
Have a great weekend!
Art <3